Welcome to www.battlestarlocations.com

Over two years, Anne and Mo travelled around British Columbia scouting out filming locations from the re-imaged Battlestar Galactica (2003-2009). It's an amazing feeling to walk into an area that you suddenly know, even though you've never been there before. It's a bit like walking onto the set of the show! We've had numerous requests from other fans for help with their own trips, so we put together this site to help you plan your own locations trip and/or take a virtual trip to the sites!
Every Episode. Every Location.
From Adama's house to Zarek's prison ship, it's all here. Over several months, we had the privilege of working with Battlestar Galactica location manager, Kent Sponagle, who tirelessly answered all of our questions. Use the locations guide for detailed information on every public filming location from all four seasons of the series, including Razor and The Plan. Each episode/movie (that was not set bound or flashbacks only) has its own entry in the locations guide, and each entry includes:
Location Maps
Screen-matched Photos
Click to enlarge photos and see descriptions. Prints of the beautiful photo on the left are available at Dennys Ilic's Red Bubble page.
Travel Tips/Location Notes
Yes, I walked into the reflecting pool at the academic quadrangle at Simon Fraser University! At that time, May 2010, there was no algae or koi in the water, and it was ridiculously cold, but very clean. We were there on a Friday afternoon, so there were virtually no students on campus. In 2011, the algae and koi were back, causing Anne to rethink her own wading plans, and we walked into a film shoot for Underworld 4!
Behind the Scenes
Check out our behind-the-scenes section for photos and stories from the sets and locations of BSG. Also, Maurice Woodworth, set dresser for numerous episodes of Battlestar Galactica, kindly granted us permission to use his amazing behind-the-scenes photography for the site. Look for his photos under 'Razor' and in the episode listings for 'Colonial Day,' 'Kobol's Last Gleaming I and II,' 'Revelations,' 'Sometimes a Great Notion,' and more!
Navigating battlestarlocations.com

Use the drop down menus at the top of the page to search the guide using episode/movie screen captures. Alternately, you can jump right to the locations guide and read the instructions for navigating the guide directly. You can read about the authors of this site on our about us page. You'll find downloadable files, such as a Google Earth KMZ file of all public locations, on the trip resources page, and links to other web resources on our links page.
New! Please Help Michael Hogan (The 'XO')

On February 17, 2020, Michael Hogan was in Vancouver participating in a convention and, at dinner that night, he fell and hit his head. He was unresponsive in the morning and had to undergo surgery for a massive brain bleed. The injury left him with complete paralysis on his left side, memory loss, congnitive impairment, and an inability to swallow. His family and friends were devastated. Recovery is a slow, hopeful, but expensive process complicated by the pandemic. Co-star Tricia Helfer puts it best:"Our amazing XO has been fighting for months now. Michael Hogan is one of the dearest, funniest, most talented men I know, and is going through an incredibly challenging time. Here’s where we all can help him and his family.." If you can, please contribute to Michael's GoFundMe campaign, or send him a message of hope, by clicking the link or the picture. Thank you!
New! Check Out Our New Site

Half of the Battlestar duo that brought you this site had the opportunity to travel to San Francisco to check out filming locations for The Matrix Resurrections. It was so much fun that a companion to this site was created for the movie! It features a map of all the locations, screen-matched photos, location notes and behind the scenes photos and video!
Check out the new site by clicking on the picture to the left or click matrix4locations.com.
Check out the new site by clicking on the picture to the left or click matrix4locations.com.
Send Us Your Photos and Stories!
We did our best, but in two weeklong trips we were not able to visit every location. If you have photos and/or stories about any location, whether it be one we haven't visited or an update for one we have, we would love to hear from you! We also have a page dedicated to fans called Your Trips, and we're always looking for new photos to add. Use the contact form on our about us page to send us an email.
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Battlestar Galactica is the property of NBC/Universal. All screen captures provided by frak-that.com. If you use photos from www.battlestarlocations.com, please credit us and include a link to our site.