Battlestar Galactica Locations Guide: Good Hunting!

You can also use episode screen captures to help you navigate by clicking on the menu at the top of the page and going to whichever season/movie you would like to see. There, simply click on the screen capture or the episode title to see filming locations from that episode.
For each episode, you will find a locations list, a Google Map of each public location, and a gallery with either screen matched photos, if we were able to travel there or knew someone who did, or relevant screen captures. You can click on gallery photos to see larger versions. Travel tips and location information are also provided.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll help you as best we can.
Most of all, enjoy the guide! There are many happy memories for us here, and it was a blast to put together.
Battlestar Galactica is the property of NBC/Universal. All screen captures provided by If you use photos from, please credit us and include a link to our site.